Annotated Bibliography

No Author. "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" Retrieved from:

This web page provided by the National Institute of Mental Health provides insight into what exactly ADHD is, its causes, symptomps, impacts, etc. It is a useful tool for anyone looking to gain general knowledge about ADD/ADHD and even provides additional resources for further research.

No author. "ADHD across the Lifespan" Retrieved from: 

This article describes ADHD and its manifestation at various points in one's life. It is a highly informative article that details ADHD and what it looks like at each phase of life. It references a number of reputable texts regarding ADHD. Additionally, it is well written and laid out.

No author. "ADHD Nation" Retrieved from:

This page gives some additional statistics regarding ADHD. It uses data collected by the CDC and it appears to be highly accurate.

No author. " Teaching Students with Attention Deficit Hyper-activity Disorder". Retrieved from:

This is a small post given by the District of Columbia school district about some strategies that can be used in the classroom to help manage students with ADHD. The strategies are very general and don't provide specific actions to take, but do give good insight into some basic steps a teacher can take to improving their classroom (e.g. create a predictable environment, checklists, etc.)

Quinn, Patricia. "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: ADHD in Adults" Retrieved from:

This is a WebMD article that gives statistics and facts regarding ADD/ADHD. The article references reputable sources such as the Mayo Clinic for its information. Its information appears accurate and checks out with other sources that provide information regarding ADD/ADHD.

Rick, Lavoie. "Motivating the child with Attention Deficit Disorder". Retrieved from

This article is full of great strategies teachers can use to help manage students with ADD/ADHD. The article also gives insight into the mindset of students with ADD/ADHD, proving to be more than just a checklist of strategies. The author has worked with students who have ADD/ADHD and so frequently speaks from experience, while substantiating it with experts in the field.

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